Freitag, 11. Juli 2014


Schschscht - Das Geräusch eines vorbeirauschenden Termins

Whoooosh - the noise of a passing deadline

Ein Geburtstagsgeschenk für eine Freundin. Eigentlich hätten die Socken schon am Dienstag fertig sein sollen, aber so ist das halt. Ich hoffe, sie freut sich trotzdem.
Das Muster ist meine eigene Kreation, ich entwerfe es immer spontan beim Stricken.

A birthday present for a friend. Actually they should have been finished on tuesday, but such is life. I hope she will be pleased nonetheless. The pattern is my own, I usually design it as I go along.

Linked up with Finish it up Friday


3 Kommentare:

  1. These are so fancy! I'm amazed that you did the pattern yourself. I've tried knitting a few times. I can rock crochet but socks are another matter all together. Great finish!

  2. visiting from crazy mum quilts. That is a very difficult pattern! Gorgeous socks

  3. Gorgeous! Your colorwork is really inspiring, both the design and execution!
